The Singing of Swans

This 2007 Lambda Literary Award finalist weaves magical realism with historical lore to tell the story of Madelene an American woman who embarks on a multi-century journey to reclaim her life. She encounters streghe who fly through rooftops, herbalists who paint flaming images of the Black Madonna, an ancient Sicilian priestess, and the environmentally compromised Lake Pergusa, a being, like her, in need of revitalization. To purchase this novel, visit or

No Matter What

This novel, a 1994 Minnesota Book Award fiction finalist, tells the story of family love and betrayal in the haunting voice of its ten-year-old narrator, Regina Giovanni. In praise of No Matter What Dorothy Allison, author of Bastard Out of Carolina, wrote: “Unflinching, insightful, beautifully written…”

Finding Grace

This sequel to No Matter What is an unforgettable story of love, loss, grief, betrayal, and finally hope, as a family struggles to redefine itself and heal after being torn apart. Finding Grace won the 1999 Colorado Authors’ League “Top Hand” Award in the category of Adult Mainstream/Literary Fiction.

Voices of the Soft-bellied Warrior

The compelling story of the author’s journey and struggle to reclaim her voice on physical, spiritual and emotional levels. A tale of epiphany, recovery and redemption. Praising the memoir, Louise DeSalvo wrote: “A stupendous achievement. Saracino speaks here as she has never spoken before; as no one has ever spoken before.”

She Is Everywhere: An Anthology of Writings in Womanist/Feminist Spirituality: Volume 3

This bold, brave, and beautiful compilation of womanist/feminist essays, poems, and artwork was co-edited by Mary Saracino and Mary Beth Moser. The anthology showcases work from an international community of women and men who honor the Sacred Female. The fifty contributors in this anthology–scholars, creative writers, and visual artists–share their vision for a world that reclaims the inviolability of the Divine Female in all Her many and varied manifestations. Available at:

Heretics: A Love Story

Set in the 1480s, HERETICS: A LOVE STORY tells the tale of Shardana and Sarda—twin sister healers in Orune, a remote village in the mountainous Barbagia region of Sardinia—and their encounters with Antonio Albóndiga, a heretic-obsessed Spanish priest who is sent to the island after a series of unfortunate incidences in his homeland. When Shardana wakes from a troubling dream, she senses that something portentous is about to happen in Orune. Life goes on as usual until the malcontent Antonio arrives in town. The sisters welcome the priest, and their families try to integrate him into the village—although many of the villagers are initially suspect and are not eager to embrace the stranger, who is unable to speak their dialect. Just when it seems that Antonio is ready to accept his fate and become a member of this community, he happens upon Shardana and Sarda engaging in a ritual with other townswomen and his inquisitional fervor is reignited. He brands the women as heretics and burns them in effigy.  Will the twin sister healers and the villagers be able to transform the hate that holds his heart hostage? Or will Antonio prevail? For more information, or to purchase this novel, visit: or